Male Health and Wellbeing WA Sector Needs Analysis

The purpose of this report is to share the information gathered from an extensive research process which explored the needs of the general and male specific health service sector (‘the sector’) in relation to men’s health and wellbeing in Western Australia.

The report addresses what the sector needs are to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of men’s health and wellbeing services across the Western Australian Community.

The key aims of this report are:

1. To provide the WA Department of Health with a sector needs analysis report, detailing the needs of, and recommendations from health service providers in their engagement with, and service provision to men in the Western Australian Community.
2. To positively influence political and community consideration of men’s health and wellbeing in Western Australia.
3. To identify the most effective ways forward for men’s health and wellbeing community services in health promotion, building community capacity through awareness and education, thereby leading to behaviour changes in the engagement of men in relevant health services.

The participants in the sector needs analysis were from a diverse range of organisations from the sector across both the metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas of Western Australia. The respondents represent organisations of a wide size scope (in regards to staff numbers) that serve differing age and cultural groups of males in the community across a variety of service types. The Quantitative and qualitative data was collected, and then analysed and summarised in this report through an on-line survey, a focus group, member’s forum and 1:1 and key group stakeholder meetings.

There were 7 key needs identified from the sector. These are identified in accordance to the order of questions, not percentages.

1. Improved communication and co-ordination – More efficiency in communication within the health sector, dialogue from provider to provider and liaison with governing bodies.

2. More male-specific training and education programs for service providers – Professional development cater specifically to men, training service providers on more effective ways to engage their male client base/s.

3. More male specific information and resources – Funding to provide more evidence based information and resources for men’s health providers.

4. Improved service access and awareness – More promotion of the services that health providers can offer to men, more effective methods in encouraging male engagement and increased exposure of men’s health in the community.

5. A male health policy – An outlined policy and coinciding long term strategic plan catered specifically to aid the operations of men’s health providers and reflective of the specific needs of men in the WA community as it relates to their physical and mental health.

6. Increased funding – Increased funding to support evidence-based initiatives and sector delivery support.

7. A peak body for men’s health – to coordinate, promote, support, and represent the needs and activity of health service providers within the WA health sector.

It is identified that a current deficit in men’s health service needs which continues to fail to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for males across Western Australia. Therefore, it is recommended that the Western Australian State Government and the WA Department of Health use the results of this study to look towards opportunities to assist in improving these outcomes with a long term view in helpful and constructive ways.

Download the full report here: MHWWA Sector Needs Analysis

Male Health and Wellbeing WA Sector Needs Analysis

The purpose of this report is to share the information gathered from an extensive research process which explored the needs of the general and male specific health service sector (‘the sector’) in relation to men’s health and wellbeing in Western Australia.

The report addresses what the sector needs are to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of men’s health and wellbeing services across the Western Australian Community.

The key aims of this report are:

1. To provide the WA Department of Health with a sector needs analysis report, detailing the needs of, and recommendations from health service providers in their engagement with, and service provision to men in the Western Australian Community.
2. To positively influence political and community consideration of men’s health and wellbeing in Western Australia.
3. To identify the most effective ways forward for men’s health and wellbeing community services in health promotion, building community capacity through awareness and education, thereby leading to behaviour changes in the engagement of men in relevant health services.

The participants in the sector needs analysis were from a diverse range of organisations from the sector across both the metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas of Western Australia. The respondents represent organisations of a wide size scope (in regards to staff numbers) that serve differing age and cultural groups of males in the community across a variety of service types. The Quantitative and qualitative data was collected, and then analysed and summarised in this report through an on-line survey, a focus group, member’s forum and 1:1 and key group stakeholder meetings.

There were 7 key needs identified from the sector. These are identified in accordance to the order of questions, not percentages.

1. Improved communication and co-ordination – More efficiency in communication within the health sector, dialogue from provider to provider and liaison with governing bodies.

2. More male-specific training and education programs for service providers – Professional development cater specifically to men, training service providers on more effective ways to engage their male client base/s.

3. More male specific information and resources – Funding to provide more evidence based information and resources for men’s health providers.

4. Improved service access and awareness – More promotion of the services that health providers can offer to men, more effective methods in encouraging male engagement and increased exposure of men’s health in the community.

5. A male health policy – An outlined policy and coinciding long term strategic plan catered specifically to aid the operations of men’s health providers and reflective of the specific needs of men in the WA community as it relates to their physical and mental health.

6. Increased funding – Increased funding to support evidence-based initiatives and sector delivery support.

7. A peak body for men’s health – to coordinate, promote, support, and represent the needs and activity of health service providers within the WA health sector.

It is identified that a current deficit in men’s health service needs which continues to fail to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for males across Western Australia. Therefore, it is recommended that the Western Australian State Government and the WA Department of Health use the results of this study to look towards opportunities to assist in improving these outcomes with a long term view in helpful and constructive ways.

Download the full report here: MHWWA Sector Needs Analysis


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