#ItsOKToTalk: Australian men join viral selfie mental health campaign

Thousands of Australian men have joined a viral selfie campaign to promote open conversations about suicide and mental health.

The #ItsOkayToTalk campaign has gathered momentum globally after UK rugby player Luke Ambler posted a selfie that encouraged his friends and teammates to start opening up.

Mr Ambler started the campaign after the sudden death of his brother-in-law.

Thousands of men worldwide have since posted their own selfies featuring an okay hand sign, as well as details of suicide statistics for men.

To read the full article click here.

#ItsOKToTalk: Australian men join viral selfie mental health campaign

Thousands of Australian men have joined a viral selfie campaign to promote open conversations about suicide and mental health.

The #ItsOkayToTalk campaign has gathered momentum globally after UK rugby player Luke Ambler posted a selfie that encouraged his friends and teammates to start opening up.

Mr Ambler started the campaign after the sudden death of his brother-in-law.

Thousands of men worldwide have since posted their own selfies featuring an okay hand sign, as well as details of suicide statistics for men.

To read the full article click here.


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Phone: 0499 076 925

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