Father Inclusive Practice Guide: A tool to support the inclusion of fathers in a holistic approach to service delivery.


Descriptive Analysis of the Strong Fathers Strong Families Programme

In August 2013, Urbis was commissioned by the Department of Health to undertake a descriptive analysis of the Strong Fathers Strong Families (SFSF) programme. The SFSF programme seeks to promote the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander fathers, partners, grandfathers and uncles, and encourage them to actively participate in their children’s and families’ lives, particularly in the antenatal period and early childhood development years.

Directory of Dads Services – Meerilinga

How fathers and father figures can shape child health and wellbeing – The Fathering Project

We shouldn’t underestimate the vast importance of fathers in children’s lives, not only because children ‘need and love their dads’,
but also because of the significant impact that fathers have on the social, cognitive, emotional and physical well-­being of children from infancy to adolescence and with lasting influences into their adult life.
“Involved fathers bring positive benefits to their
children that no other person is as likely to bring.”
– Popenoe, D. (1996) p.163.

The Dads Booklet – Dads WA Ngala

Pregnancy, the birth and the first year after the birth of a baby can be very challenging for dads and mums. New fathers who have been part of the birth process report a range of experiences – from being the greatest time in their life, to shock at seeing their partner in extreme pain.

Parenting Tips – Meerilinga

Father Inclusive Practice Guide: A tool to support the inclusion of fathers in a holistic approach to service delivery.

  • Descriptive Analysis of the Strong Fathers Strong Families Programme
    • In August 2013, Urbis was commissioned by the Department of Health to undertake a descriptive analysis of the Strong Fathers Strong Families (SFSF) programme. The SFSF programme seeks to promote the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander fathers, partners, grandfathers and uncles, and encourage them to actively participate in their children’s and families’ lives, particularly in the antenatal period and early childhood development years.
  • Directory of Dads Services – Meerilinga
  • How fathers and father figures can shape child health and wellbeing – The Fathering Project 
    • We shouldn’t underestimate the vast importance of fathers in children’s lives, not only because children ‘need and love their dads’,
      but also because of the significant impact that fathers have on the social, cognitive, emotional and physical well-­being of children from infancy to adolescence and with lasting influences into their adult life.
      “Involved fathers bring positive benefits to their
      children that no other person is as likely to bring.”
      – Popenoe, D. (1996) p.163.
  • The Dads Booklet – Dads WA Ngala
    • Pregnancy, the birth and the first year after the birth of a baby can be very challenging for dads and mums. New fathers who have been part of the birth process report a range of experiences – from being the greatest time in their life, to shock at seeing their partner in extreme pain.
  • Parenting Tips – Meerilinga


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Phone: 0499 076 925

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