Mens Health WA – Directory

For over twenty years, the Heart Foundation Walking program has helped over 100,000 Australians start walking and stay walking. We started life in Queensland as the Just Walk It program, and can now have walking groups across the nation.
The majority of our services are free of charge and focus on: advocacy, understanding the mental health system, education, counselling and support, school holiday programs and respite.
HepatitisWA (Inc) is a non-profit community-based organisation providing free services to the community. HepatitisWA aims to assist in obtaining the best possible care and support for people affected by hepatitis, reducing discrimination and stigma directed at people living with viral hepatitis and raising community awareness in relation to hepatitis.
Hike West is the peak body promoting Bushwalking and hiking in Western Australia.
We offer a wide range of evidence-based programs to enable lasting change for individuals, families and communities.
HOPE has been a community service in Western Australia for over a century, providing much needed support to people affected by alcohol and other drugs, mental ill-health, youth justice issues and socioeconomic disadvantage.
For almost thirty years, Inclusion WA has worked alongside individuals, community groups and government organisations to facilitate social inclusion.
Working to prevent injury and support recovery within the community.
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Since 1991, Australia’s kids and young people have been turning to our professional, specialised counsellors, no matter who they are, where they live or what they want to talk about.
Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS) is a member based, regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO)
Providing legal assistance for Western Australians
The Leukaemia Foundation is the only national organisation that represents the needs of all people living with any blood cancer in Australia and takes the lead in the conversation around blood cancer. Our priority is to save lives by ensuring equity of access and advocating for health service reform.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Somewhere in Australia there is a new call to Lifeline every minute.
Lifeline WA’s Separated Dads program is a unique service that provides support to dads before, during and after separation or if they have experienced a bereavement in a partnership or as a parent or child. Lifeline WA welcomes Dads from the LGBTI+ community.
Linkwest is the state association for community, neighbourhood and learning Centres in Western Australia. You can find your nearest community learning centre via this association.
WA Government initiative providing tips, tools, resources and recipes
for good health.
QLife is a national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) counselling and referral service. QLife can be used by friends and family of LGBTIQ people and mainstream service providers who are seeking accurate information and referral options for their relatives, friends or patients. 3pm – 12am, 7 days.
A Nurse-Led Sexual Health Clinic for Men, Trans People and Non-Binary People who have sex with each other
Established to reduce smoking in Western Australia
MATES provides suicide prevention through community development programs on sites, and by supporting workers in need through case management and a 24/7 help line.
Providing access to and delivering quality health services to improve the physical, spiritual, cultural, social and emotional wellbeing of the families of Roebourne and surrounding towns and communities.
The delivery of nutritious and affordable meals, together with regular contact and social interaction contributes significantly towards the clients’ wellbeing and independence.
Creating Communities of Mentors: Men’s Business brings mentors together to acquire new mentoring skills, inspire each other, and grow and develop as human beings.
Mens Outreach Service Aboriginal Corporation (MOSAC) provides a range of support services to men, their families and communities in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
MensLine Australia is the national telephone and online support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns. The service is available from anywhere in Australia and is staffed by professional counsellors, experienced in men’s issues.
This service is available 24 hours a day. Provides clinical assessment, specialist intervention and support for people experiencing a mental health emergency emergency and if required, referral to a local mental health service.
Support for people who have experienced mental illness, and for their families and carers. Enables people diagnosed with mental illness to reconnect with their life and community.
MMRC provides a complementary suite of settlement related services and programs including case coordination, support groups, family support, youth, arts, sports and recreational activities along with employment mentoring, migration support and cultural competency related training.
Mobile outreach to young people in Northbridge and inner city areas.
A range of support, Including accommodation, for children and young people (up to 18 years of age) who are dealing with a mental health issue.
Free and confidential service which offers treatment and support.
presenting an opportunity for clients to address their homelessness, mental health, alcohol and other drug, relationships, education and employment and build independent living skills.
Provides families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with transitional housing, case management and referrals, to ensure they obtain and maintain long term stable housing.
Social and affordable rental housing to low and moderate income households.
Support for young people aged 14 to 25 who are currently in, or have recently left Department for Child Protection state care.
A “One Stop Shop” for primary healthcare services
Helping migrants and refugees build meaningful lives in Australia.
A range of programs and services to migrants and refugees.
We facilitate national connections between young people, academics, policy makers and practitioners, provide policy expertise, provide youth leadership opportunities and develop capacity building resources.
Kulbardi encourages increased participation in tertiary education by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students through outreach programs, enabling courses, student support and scholarships.
The Australian Government’s starting point on your aged care journey.
Professional financial counsellors – free, independent and confidential service.
Open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.
Australia absolute cardiovascular disease risk calculator
Provide a range of services for people experiencing problems from alcohol and other drug use, as well as support for families.
NHS is an Aboriginal Community Controlled health service providing care to indigenous people living in communities across the vast Ngaanyatjarra Lands in remote Western Australia, near the Northern Territory/South Australian borders.
Early parenting and childhood services – antenatal sessions, workshops for dads, playgroups for dads, phone and email consultations. All services are provided outside of regular working hours to be more accessible for fathers. All these programs emphasise the importance of father involvement and the benefits this brings for child development.
A community controlled Aboriginal corporation and health and medical service to provide affordable and culturally appropriate services to the Indigenous and wider population of Wiluna and surrounding areas.
Mens Health WA Directory

For over twenty years, the Heart Foundation Walking program has helped over 100,000 Australians start walking and stay walking. We started life in Queensland as the Just Walk It program, and can now have walking groups across the nation.
The majority of our services are free of charge and focus on: advocacy, understanding the mental health system, education, counselling and support, school holiday programs and respite.
HepatitisWA (Inc) is a non-profit community-based organisation providing free services to the community. HepatitisWA aims to assist in obtaining the best possible care and support for people affected by hepatitis, reducing discrimination and stigma directed at people living with viral hepatitis and raising community awareness in relation to hepatitis.
Hike West is the peak body promoting Bushwalking and hiking in Western Australia.
We offer a wide range of evidence-based programs to enable lasting change for individuals, families and communities.
HOPE has been a community service in Western Australia for over a century, providing much needed support to people affected by alcohol and other drugs, mental ill-health, youth justice issues and socioeconomic disadvantage.
For almost thirty years, Inclusion WA has worked alongside individuals, community groups and government organisations to facilitate social inclusion.
Working to prevent injury and support recovery within the community.
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Since 1991, Australia’s kids and young people have been turning to our professional, specialised counsellors, no matter who they are, where they live or what they want to talk about.
Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (KAMS) is a member based, regional Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO)
Providing legal assistance for Western Australians
The Leukaemia Foundation is the only national organisation that represents the needs of all people living with any blood cancer in Australia and takes the lead in the conversation around blood cancer. Our priority is to save lives by ensuring equity of access and advocating for health service reform.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Somewhere in Australia there is a new call to Lifeline every minute.
Lifeline WA’s Separated Dads program is a unique service that provides support to dads before, during and after separation or if they have experienced a bereavement in a partnership or as a parent or child. Lifeline WA welcomes Dads from the LGBTI+ community.
Linkwest is the state association for community, neighbourhood and learning Centres in Western Australia. You can find your nearest community learning centre via this association.
WA Government initiative providing tips, tools, resources and recipes
for good health.
QLife is a national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) counselling and referral service. QLife can be used by friends and family of LGBTIQ people and mainstream service providers who are seeking accurate information and referral options for their relatives, friends or patients. 3pm – 12am, 7 days.
A Nurse-Led Sexual Health Clinic for Men, Trans People and Non-Binary People who have sex with each other
Established to reduce smoking in Western Australia
MATES provides suicide prevention through community development programs on sites, and by supporting workers in need through case management and a 24/7 help line.
Providing access to and delivering quality health services to improve the physical, spiritual, cultural, social and emotional wellbeing of the families of Roebourne and surrounding towns and communities.
The delivery of nutritious and affordable meals, together with regular contact and social interaction contributes significantly towards the clients’ wellbeing and independence.
Creating Communities of Mentors: Men’s Business brings mentors together to acquire new mentoring skills, inspire each other, and grow and develop as human beings.
Mens Outreach Service Aboriginal Corporation (MOSAC) provides a range of support services to men, their families and communities in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
MensLine Australia is the national telephone and online support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns. The service is available from anywhere in Australia and is staffed by professional counsellors, experienced in men’s issues.
This service is available 24 hours a day. Provides clinical assessment, specialist intervention and support for people experiencing a mental health emergency emergency and if required, referral to a local mental health service.
Support for people who have experienced mental illness, and for their families and carers. Enables people diagnosed with mental illness to reconnect with their life and community.
MMRC provides a complementary suite of settlement related services and programs including case coordination, support groups, family support, youth, arts, sports and recreational activities along with employment mentoring, migration support and cultural competency related training.
Mobile outreach to young people in Northbridge and inner city areas.
A range of support, Including accommodation, for children and young people (up to 18 years of age) who are dealing with a mental health issue.
Free and confidential service which offers treatment and support.
presenting an opportunity for clients to address their homelessness, mental health, alcohol and other drug, relationships, education and employment and build independent living skills.
Provides families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with transitional housing, case management and referrals, to ensure they obtain and maintain long term stable housing.
Social and affordable rental housing to low and moderate income households.
Support for young people aged 14 to 25 who are currently in, or have recently left Department for Child Protection state care.
A “One Stop Shop” for primary healthcare services
Helping migrants and refugees build meaningful lives in Australia.
A range of programs and services to migrants and refugees.
We facilitate national connections between young people, academics, policy makers and practitioners, provide policy expertise, provide youth leadership opportunities and develop capacity building resources.
Kulbardi encourages increased participation in tertiary education by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students through outreach programs, enabling courses, student support and scholarships.
The Australian Government’s starting point on your aged care journey.
Professional financial counsellors – free, independent and confidential service.
Open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.
Australia absolute cardiovascular disease risk calculator
Provide a range of services for people experiencing problems from alcohol and other drug use, as well as support for families.
NHS is an Aboriginal Community Controlled health service providing care to indigenous people living in communities across the vast Ngaanyatjarra Lands in remote Western Australia, near the Northern Territory/South Australian borders.
Early parenting and childhood services – antenatal sessions, workshops for dads, playgroups for dads, phone and email consultations. All services are provided outside of regular working hours to be more accessible for fathers. All these programs emphasise the importance of father involvement and the benefits this brings for child development.
A community controlled Aboriginal corporation and health and medical service to provide affordable and culturally appropriate services to the Indigenous and wider population of Wiluna and surrounding areas.
If you are in an emergency, or at risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000.
PO Box 551, Wembley WA 6913 | Phone: 0499 076 925
PO Box 551, Wembley WA 6913
Phone: 0499 076 925
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Men’s Health & Wellbeing WA