Mens Health WA – Directory


Showing 49 - 96 of 246
Centrecare - Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline
Phone and group support, advice and referral.
1800 000 599 / 9223 1199

When your actions are hurting your family. A service for men who are concerned about the affects of their behaviour on the people they love, work and spend time with.

Centrecare - Youth and family support service
In person, phone and online.

Youth Support Service (CYSS) – For young people aged 12-18yrs and their families living in the Joondalup region of Perth.

Child and Parent Centre Gosnells and East Maddington – For families with children 0 to 8 years offering parenting workshops, child and maternal health services, playgroups, early learning programs, counselling and family support.

Stronger Together – Provides intensive, in-home support to families who are most at risk of child protection intervention or families who require support to reunify children back to their care, living in the Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Midland, Perth, Armadale, Cannington and Southwest District boundaries of the Department of Communities – Child Protection and Family Support.

Centrelink - Abstudy
Online access to resources and payments.
1800 132 317

Help with costs for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australians who are studying or undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship.

Centrelink - Farmer Assistance Hotline
Phone support and advice.
13 23 16

Farm Household Allowance. A payment for farming families in financial hardship.

Centrelink - Financial Information Service
In person, online and phone support, education and advice.
132 300

The free Financial Information Service helps you make informed decisions about your finances

Commissioner for Children and Young People
Online information and resources to assist young people and their families.
(08) 6213 2297 1800 072 444

The Commissioner undertakes projects, commissions research, publishes reports, and hosts events to highlight specific aspects of children and young people’s wellbeing. Using research and the other evidence available, the Commissioner seeks to positively influence legislation, policy, services and attitudes.

Breathing Space. In person support for men. Families Without Fear program. In person individual and group counselling service.
9439 5707, (08) 9251 5777

Men’s behaviour change program. A 3-month residential therapeutic program for men who have been abusive to their intimate partners. For people to improve interaction with partners and families where there has been violence or abuse.

Community Health - Child Health Centres
In person, virtual and phone care, advice and support for your child's health.
1300 749 869

Community Health provides a range of free services to support families to raise happy, healthy children. We offer health and development checks, immunisation advice and support to families with young children.

Community Legal Centres
In person, online and phone advice, resources and legal support.
(08) 9221 9322

Community legal centres play a vital role in ensuring everyday people experiencing discrimination or disadvantage can access the legal help they need, at the time they need it most.

In person, online and phone advice, resources and support.
(08) 9364 6909

Practical assistance to both new and established groups to support their effective management and role in the community.

Continence Foundation of Australia
Online educational and awareness raising activities and events.
1800 33 00 66

Continence Foundation of Australia represents the interests of Australians affected by, or at risk of, bladder and bowel control problems and act as an advocate for their interests.

Council on the Ageing WA
in person, online and phone support, information, advice, programs and advocacy for older Western Australians
(08) 9472 0104

Run programmes in the areas of; Cyber Crime prevention and seniors safety online, Seniors week awards and grants, Active ageing incorporating Living Longer Living stronger and Mall Walking, Computer classes.

Crisis Care Helpline
Telephone information and counselling service
Country free call 1800 199 008Telephone (08) 9223 1111

Telephone Crisis Care when you need someone to help sort out a serious problem. You are concerned about the wellbeing of a child, escaping domestic violence and need help. You are are homeless.

Darrell Brown
Public speaker/presenter on men's health.
 0418 954 858

Fatherhood Author and Public Speaker.  Provides men’s health and wellbeing presentations across the WA community. Available for Presentation on “Manning Down”.

Department of Communities
In person, online and phone support, information, advice and programs.
Contact via their website

Department of Communities is a multi-function human services agency.

Department of Health
In person, online and phone support, information, advice, programs and policy relating to the health of all Australians.
Contact via their website

Health topics, initiatives, programs and resources

Department of Health – Aboriginal Health Division
In person, online and phone support, information, advice, programs and policy relating to the health of Aboriginal people.
(08) 9222 2478

Culturally appropriate health care that meets the needs of Aboriginal people.

Department of Housing
Housing options service. Online links to resources.
Contact via their website

Housing Authority provides assistance to people with various other housing needs. These needs include rental assistance, becoming a home owner and issues related to homelessness.

Department of Transport
Active Transport. online resources. All contacts and services in one location.

Vehicle licensing, Cycling, Drivers and Fishing licenses. Demerit Points

Dept of Communities, Child Protection and Famil...
Mens Domestic Violence Helpline. 24 hour telephone information and counselling service.
1800 000 599 (08) 9223 1199

state wide 24 hour service. This service provides counselling for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours. The service can provide telephone counselling, information and referral to ongoing face to face services if required.

Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Aboriginal Corp...
In person, online and phone health services for aboriginal people.
(08) 9421 3888

Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service provides culturally secure primary health, mental health and dental services for Aboriginal families living right across the Perth metropolitan area.

Derby Aboriginal Health Service
In person, online and phone health services for aboriginal people.
(08) 9158 4200

Our programs offer Derby community members culturally appropriate health, education, health promotion and clinical services

Diabetes WA
My Healthy Balance. Online resources.
1300 001 880

In person, online and phone advice, information, resources and programs for diabetes sufferers. Free, evidence-based online health lifestyle program.

Inform, educate and support thousands of Western Australians, helping them to better manage their diabetes. This in turn enables them to lead happier, healthier lives.

Ebenezer Home
In person, online and phone support for indigenous youth accessing accommodation.
(08) 9247 1330

Culturally appropriate, supported emergency and medium-term accommodation for Aboriginal youth, although all nationalities are accepted.

Emergency, police & ambulance
phone support and service.

24 hour emergency.

Entrypoint Perth
In person, online and phone information and advice regarding homelessness.
(08) 6496 0001 (metro) 1800 124 684 (country)

Free assessment and referral service assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Entrypoint is a service provided by Centrecare on behalf of Housing WA and funded by Dept of Child and Families.

Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (EDAC)
In person, online and phone information, advice and advocacy.
(08) 9388 7455 Free call: 1800 659 921

Established to protect the rights and interests of people from non-English speaking and culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds with disability, their families and carers.

Family Court of Western Australia
In person, online and phone information, advice and resources.
(08) 9224 822 1800 199 228 (country)

Information about divorce, child issues and financial issues.

Family Drug Support Australia
Phone helpline for families supporting a loved one suffering drug or alcohol addiction.
1300 368 186

Available 24 hours 7 days a week.

Family Relationship Advice Line
National helpline administered by the Australian Government. Phone Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm local time. Saturday 10am to 4pm local time. Closed Sundays and national public holidays
1800 050 321

The Family Relationship Advice Line is a national telephone service that helps families affected by relationship or separation issues, including information on parenting arrangements after separation. It can also refer callers to local services that provide assistance.

Family Relationships Online
Online information, resources and referral to services relating to family relationships.
1800 050 321

A range of online services to assist families manage relationship issues, including helping families agree on arrangements for children after parents separate.

Family Support WA
In person, online and phone support, information, resources and services for families.
(08) 9405 1885 0455 790 178

We work with each unique family, to tailor an individualised person-centred service plan for individuals with disabilities and their families.

Federal Dept of Health
COVID19 status online information and resources and national helpline.
1800 020 080

Find out how we are monitoring and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, how you can help stop the spread of the virus in Australia and what to do if you have symptoms. We also report the latest case numbers, official medical advice and information on treatment.

Fitness Australia
Online directory of registered fitness instructors.
1300 211 311

Find a registered exercise professional. Fitness Australia is a not-for-profit industry association, that exists to professionalise the fitness industry to deliver an environment for more Australians to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle.

Online and in person cooking program. Food Sensations for Adults
08 9258 9277

A 4 session nutrition and cooking program that is hands on, fun and provides a safe environment to try new recipes and skills.

Foundation 49
Online information: digital or hard copy 46-page colour Men's Health Toolkit booklet.
1300 303 878

Foundation 49: Men’s Health is a not-for-profit Men’s Health Promotion initiative of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. We promote good health and wellbeing in all men through the Decades of Life.

Foundation Housing
In person, phone and online support and information 8.30-4.30 Mon - Fri. Accommodation options for persons on low income including lodging houses as well as tenancies in units, apartments and family homes.
(08) 9422 0700

Foundation Housing is a registered Tier One community housing provider with expertise in property development and management, as well as tenancy management and support.

Freedom Centre
Peer support
(08) 9228 0354

For young people under 26 to be informed, happy and healthy about their sexuality, sex and gender.

Gambling Help Online
Access counselling and information services when you are unable or reluctant to access face-to-face services.
1800 858 858

Gambling Help Online is a Commonwealth, State and Territory government world first initiative to provide: Free 24/7 chat and email counselling and support services
Professional counsellors with expertise in problem gambling and online services
A stepping stone for further help-seeking, including telephone and face-to-face gambling services
Extensive website content, self-help information and weblinks for additional support.

Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (...
In person clinics and health services.
(08) 9956 6555

GRAMS Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Primary Health Care and Training was developed with the purpose of maintaining Aboriginal community input and control over all GRAMS operations.

Get on Track Challenge
Online health information resource and networking.
Facebook @gotcmhb

Get on Track Challenge is a free, online, team-based challenge designed to help you increase your daily physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake.

GLBTI Retirement Association Inc. (GRAI)
(08) 9272 1051

Developing options for older GLBTI people when accessing retirement living and aged care services

Govt of WA Dept of Communities
Disability Services online, phone and in person.
(08) 9426 9200 1800 998 214

Provide information, supports and services to people with disability, their families and carers.

Phone support midday to 3am AEST, 7 days a week.
1300 845 745 (national)

We manage Australia’s only dedicated loss and grief national telephone counselling service. We provide anonymous support and specialist counselling services to individuals and families. All calls are confidential and free.

Harm Reduction WA
Online, phone and in person support, information and education.
(08) 9325 8387 Perth (08) 9791 6699 Bunbury Mobile Van: 0418 739372

Provides non-judgmental, friendly peer based support, information and education, advocacy and harm reduction services and services aimed at reducing the transmission of Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmitted Infections associated with drug use amongst the community in WA

Have A Go News
Digital and hard copy news and information.
(08) 9227 8283

Lifestyle and information newspaper specifically for the mature demographic in Western Australia.

Face-to-face mental health information, support and services to young people, aged 12 to 25, and their families and friends.
(08) 9208 9555

Headspace provide tailored and holistic mental health support to 12 – 25 year olds. With a focus on early intervention, we work with young people to provide support at a crucial time in their lives – to help get them back on track and strengthen their ability to manage their mental health in the future.

Healthdirect Australia
24/7 online and phone health advice and information you can count on.
1800 022 222

A government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and advice

Mens Health WA Directory


Showing 49 - 96 of 246
Centrecare - Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline
Phone and group support, advice and referral.
1800 000 599 / 9223 1199

When your actions are hurting your family. A service for men who are concerned about the affects of their behaviour on the people they love, work and spend time with.

Centrecare - Youth and family support service
In person, phone and online.

Youth Support Service (CYSS) – For young people aged 12-18yrs and their families living in the Joondalup region of Perth.

Child and Parent Centre Gosnells and East Maddington – For families with children 0 to 8 years offering parenting workshops, child and maternal health services, playgroups, early learning programs, counselling and family support.

Stronger Together – Provides intensive, in-home support to families who are most at risk of child protection intervention or families who require support to reunify children back to their care, living in the Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Midland, Perth, Armadale, Cannington and Southwest District boundaries of the Department of Communities – Child Protection and Family Support.

Centrelink - Abstudy
Online access to resources and payments.
1800 132 317

Help with costs for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australians who are studying or undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship.

Centrelink - Farmer Assistance Hotline
Phone support and advice.
13 23 16

Farm Household Allowance. A payment for farming families in financial hardship.

Centrelink - Financial Information Service
In person, online and phone support, education and advice.
132 300

The free Financial Information Service helps you make informed decisions about your finances

Commissioner for Children and Young People
Online information and resources to assist young people and their families.
(08) 6213 2297 1800 072 444

The Commissioner undertakes projects, commissions research, publishes reports, and hosts events to highlight specific aspects of children and young people’s wellbeing. Using research and the other evidence available, the Commissioner seeks to positively influence legislation, policy, services and attitudes.

Breathing Space. In person support for men. Families Without Fear program. In person individual and group counselling service.
9439 5707, (08) 9251 5777

Men’s behaviour change program. A 3-month residential therapeutic program for men who have been abusive to their intimate partners. For people to improve interaction with partners and families where there has been violence or abuse.

Community Health - Child Health Centres
In person, virtual and phone care, advice and support for your child's health.
1300 749 869

Community Health provides a range of free services to support families to raise happy, healthy children. We offer health and development checks, immunisation advice and support to families with young children.

Community Legal Centres
In person, online and phone advice, resources and legal support.
(08) 9221 9322

Community legal centres play a vital role in ensuring everyday people experiencing discrimination or disadvantage can access the legal help they need, at the time they need it most.

In person, online and phone advice, resources and support.
(08) 9364 6909

Practical assistance to both new and established groups to support their effective management and role in the community.

Continence Foundation of Australia
Online educational and awareness raising activities and events.
1800 33 00 66

Continence Foundation of Australia represents the interests of Australians affected by, or at risk of, bladder and bowel control problems and act as an advocate for their interests.

Council on the Ageing WA
in person, online and phone support, information, advice, programs and advocacy for older Western Australians
(08) 9472 0104

Run programmes in the areas of; Cyber Crime prevention and seniors safety online, Seniors week awards and grants, Active ageing incorporating Living Longer Living stronger and Mall Walking, Computer classes.

Crisis Care Helpline
Telephone information and counselling service
Country free call 1800 199 008Telephone (08) 9223 1111

Telephone Crisis Care when you need someone to help sort out a serious problem. You are concerned about the wellbeing of a child, escaping domestic violence and need help. You are are homeless.

Darrell Brown
Public speaker/presenter on men's health.
 0418 954 858

Fatherhood Author and Public Speaker.  Provides men’s health and wellbeing presentations across the WA community. Available for Presentation on “Manning Down”.

Department of Communities
In person, online and phone support, information, advice and programs.
Contact via their website

Department of Communities is a multi-function human services agency.

Department of Health
In person, online and phone support, information, advice, programs and policy relating to the health of all Australians.
Contact via their website

Health topics, initiatives, programs and resources

Department of Health – Aboriginal Health Division
In person, online and phone support, information, advice, programs and policy relating to the health of Aboriginal people.
(08) 9222 2478

Culturally appropriate health care that meets the needs of Aboriginal people.

Department of Housing
Housing options service. Online links to resources.
Contact via their website

Housing Authority provides assistance to people with various other housing needs. These needs include rental assistance, becoming a home owner and issues related to homelessness.

Department of Transport
Active Transport. online resources. All contacts and services in one location.

Vehicle licensing, Cycling, Drivers and Fishing licenses. Demerit Points

Dept of Communities, Child Protection and Famil...
Mens Domestic Violence Helpline. 24 hour telephone information and counselling service.
1800 000 599 (08) 9223 1199

state wide 24 hour service. This service provides counselling for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours. The service can provide telephone counselling, information and referral to ongoing face to face services if required.

Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Aboriginal Corp...
In person, online and phone health services for aboriginal people.
(08) 9421 3888

Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service provides culturally secure primary health, mental health and dental services for Aboriginal families living right across the Perth metropolitan area.

Derby Aboriginal Health Service
In person, online and phone health services for aboriginal people.
(08) 9158 4200

Our programs offer Derby community members culturally appropriate health, education, health promotion and clinical services

Diabetes WA
My Healthy Balance. Online resources.
1300 001 880

In person, online and phone advice, information, resources and programs for diabetes sufferers. Free, evidence-based online health lifestyle program.

Inform, educate and support thousands of Western Australians, helping them to better manage their diabetes. This in turn enables them to lead happier, healthier lives.

Ebenezer Home
In person, online and phone support for indigenous youth accessing accommodation.
(08) 9247 1330

Culturally appropriate, supported emergency and medium-term accommodation for Aboriginal youth, although all nationalities are accepted.

Emergency, police & ambulance
phone support and service.

24 hour emergency.

Entrypoint Perth
In person, online and phone information and advice regarding homelessness.
(08) 6496 0001 (metro) 1800 124 684 (country)

Free assessment and referral service assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Entrypoint is a service provided by Centrecare on behalf of Housing WA and funded by Dept of Child and Families.

Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (EDAC)
In person, online and phone information, advice and advocacy.
(08) 9388 7455 Free call: 1800 659 921

Established to protect the rights and interests of people from non-English speaking and culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds with disability, their families and carers.

Family Court of Western Australia
In person, online and phone information, advice and resources.
(08) 9224 822 1800 199 228 (country)

Information about divorce, child issues and financial issues.

Family Drug Support Australia
Phone helpline for families supporting a loved one suffering drug or alcohol addiction.
1300 368 186

Available 24 hours 7 days a week.

Family Relationship Advice Line
National helpline administered by the Australian Government. Phone Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm local time. Saturday 10am to 4pm local time. Closed Sundays and national public holidays
1800 050 321

The Family Relationship Advice Line is a national telephone service that helps families affected by relationship or separation issues, including information on parenting arrangements after separation. It can also refer callers to local services that provide assistance.

Family Relationships Online
Online information, resources and referral to services relating to family relationships.
1800 050 321

A range of online services to assist families manage relationship issues, including helping families agree on arrangements for children after parents separate.

Family Support WA
In person, online and phone support, information, resources and services for families.
(08) 9405 1885 0455 790 178

We work with each unique family, to tailor an individualised person-centred service plan for individuals with disabilities and their families.

Federal Dept of Health
COVID19 status online information and resources and national helpline.
1800 020 080

Find out how we are monitoring and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, how you can help stop the spread of the virus in Australia and what to do if you have symptoms. We also report the latest case numbers, official medical advice and information on treatment.

Fitness Australia
Online directory of registered fitness instructors.
1300 211 311

Find a registered exercise professional. Fitness Australia is a not-for-profit industry association, that exists to professionalise the fitness industry to deliver an environment for more Australians to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle.

Online and in person cooking program. Food Sensations for Adults
08 9258 9277

A 4 session nutrition and cooking program that is hands on, fun and provides a safe environment to try new recipes and skills.

Foundation 49
Online information: digital or hard copy 46-page colour Men's Health Toolkit booklet.
1300 303 878

Foundation 49: Men’s Health is a not-for-profit Men’s Health Promotion initiative of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. We promote good health and wellbeing in all men through the Decades of Life.

Foundation Housing
In person, phone and online support and information 8.30-4.30 Mon - Fri. Accommodation options for persons on low income including lodging houses as well as tenancies in units, apartments and family homes.
(08) 9422 0700

Foundation Housing is a registered Tier One community housing provider with expertise in property development and management, as well as tenancy management and support.

Freedom Centre
Peer support
(08) 9228 0354

For young people under 26 to be informed, happy and healthy about their sexuality, sex and gender.

Gambling Help Online
Access counselling and information services when you are unable or reluctant to access face-to-face services.
1800 858 858

Gambling Help Online is a Commonwealth, State and Territory government world first initiative to provide: Free 24/7 chat and email counselling and support services
Professional counsellors with expertise in problem gambling and online services
A stepping stone for further help-seeking, including telephone and face-to-face gambling services
Extensive website content, self-help information and weblinks for additional support.

Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (...
In person clinics and health services.
(08) 9956 6555

GRAMS Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Primary Health Care and Training was developed with the purpose of maintaining Aboriginal community input and control over all GRAMS operations.

Get on Track Challenge
Online health information resource and networking.
Facebook @gotcmhb

Get on Track Challenge is a free, online, team-based challenge designed to help you increase your daily physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake.

GLBTI Retirement Association Inc. (GRAI)
(08) 9272 1051

Developing options for older GLBTI people when accessing retirement living and aged care services

Govt of WA Dept of Communities
Disability Services online, phone and in person.
(08) 9426 9200 1800 998 214

Provide information, supports and services to people with disability, their families and carers.

Phone support midday to 3am AEST, 7 days a week.
1300 845 745 (national)

We manage Australia’s only dedicated loss and grief national telephone counselling service. We provide anonymous support and specialist counselling services to individuals and families. All calls are confidential and free.

Harm Reduction WA
Online, phone and in person support, information and education.
(08) 9325 8387 Perth (08) 9791 6699 Bunbury Mobile Van: 0418 739372

Provides non-judgmental, friendly peer based support, information and education, advocacy and harm reduction services and services aimed at reducing the transmission of Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmitted Infections associated with drug use amongst the community in WA

Have A Go News
Digital and hard copy news and information.
(08) 9227 8283

Lifestyle and information newspaper specifically for the mature demographic in Western Australia.

Face-to-face mental health information, support and services to young people, aged 12 to 25, and their families and friends.
(08) 9208 9555

Headspace provide tailored and holistic mental health support to 12 – 25 year olds. With a focus on early intervention, we work with young people to provide support at a crucial time in their lives – to help get them back on track and strengthen their ability to manage their mental health in the future.

Healthdirect Australia
24/7 online and phone health advice and information you can count on.
1800 022 222

A government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and advice


8 + 15 =

If you are in an emergency, or at risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000.

PO Box 551, Wembley WA 6913 | Phone: 0499 076 925

PO Box 551, Wembley WA 6913
Phone: 0499 076 925

© Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved. Men’s Health & Wellbeing WA

© Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved.
Men’s Health & Wellbeing WA